Basic HTML & CSS - Tech Post

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Basic HTML & CSS


html and css output
<center>html css and </center>

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
	<meta charset="UTF-8">
	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

	<h2> Welcome, how to fix YouTube channel</h2>
	<bdo dir="rtl">Hello world</bdo>


	<form action="#">

		<label for="nm">Name:</lebel> 
		<input id="nm"type="text" placeholder="Your name" required><br><br>

		<label for="">E-mail:</label>
		<input type="email" placeholder="Your e-mail" required><br><br>

		<label for="">Mobile:</label>
		<input type="number" placeholder="Mobile number"><br><br>

		<label for="">Password: </label>
		<input type="Password" placeholder="Password"> <br><br>

		<label for="">Data:</label>
		<input type="data"> <br><br>

		<label for="">Time: </label>
		<input type="Time"><br><br>

		<label for="">Range: </label>
		<input type="Range"> <br><br>

		<label for="">Upload photo</label>
		<input type="file"> <br><br>

		<input type="submit"><br><br>

		<label for="name">Search</label>
		<input id="name" type="Search"><br><br>

		<label for="">Color</label>
		<input type="color"> <br><br>

		<label for="">Gender:</label>
		<input type="radio" name="Gender"> Male
		<input type="radio" name="Gender"> Female
		<input type="radio" name="Gender"> Other <br><br>	

		<label for="">City:</label>
		<input type="checkbox" > Dhaka
		<input type="checkbox" > Mymensingh
		<input type="checkbox" > Khulna<br><br>

		<label for="">Country</label>
			<option value="">Select Your Country</option>
			<option value="">Bangladesh</option>
			<option value="">India</option>
			<option value="">Napal</option> 
		<textarea name="" id="" cols="40" rows="10" placeholder="Message"></textarea><br>	
		<button>send</button> <br><br>

	<img src="assets/img/1.jpg" alt="">



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/* Universal Selector */
    margin: 0px;
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    color: rgb(128, 0, 0);
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    word-spacing: 10px;
    color: #00a8ff;
    text-shadow: 10px 10px 10px #130e0e;
    color: rgb(255, 0, 64);
    text-transform: capitalize;

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